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21 Twitter Accounts About Forex That Traders Must Follow

In the dynamic world of forex trading, swift and accurate information can be the key to success. Social media, particularly Twitter, has become a primary source of news for many traders. Here are 21 Twitter accounts about forex worth following to stay updated on the latest technical, fundamental, and educational updates.

Twitter Accounts About Forex in Bahasa Indonesia:

  1. @seputarforex - Seputarforex, providing news, analysis, and educational articles in Bahasa Indonesia.
  2. @desmondwira - Desmond Wira, an Indonesian full-time trader, offering market updates and positive inspiration.
  3. @monexnews - Monex Investindo Futures news channel, delivering forex, stock, and commodity news and analysis.

Twitter Accounts About Forex in English:

  1. @kathylienfx - Kathy Lien, a renowned forex analyst, offering up-to-date information on market movements.
  2. @CVecchioFX - Christopher Vecchio, Senior Analyst at DailyFX, using both technical and fundamental analysis.
  3. @EdMatts - Ed Matts, senior strategy expert at Capital Management, providing charts and intermarket analysis.
  4. @BabyPips - ForexGump, BabyPips account moderator, offering analysis and educational articles.
  5. @ForexFactory - Forex Factory, providing the latest information from the global forex trading forum.
  6. @tradingproverbs - A unique account providing trading quotes, ideas, and educational infographics.
  7. @ForexLive - ForexLive, offering lightning-fast updates on forex news and retweeting important market news.
  8. @FXstreetNews - FXstreetNews, delivering the fastest forex news updates.
  9. @aulafx - Gonçalo Moreira from FXStreet, providing updates on trading positions and technical analysis.
  10. @tradingview - TradingView, offering up-to-date trading opportunities from signals detected by its members.
  11. @TradersLog - TradersLog, providing notifications about upcoming economic data releases.
  12. @Tradingnrg - Lior Cohen from TradingNRG, offering insights into trading Gold, Silver, and Oil.
  13. @FOREXcom - The official account of the world's largest forex broker, providing routine updates and trading signals.

By following these accounts, traders can gain valuable and timely information to support their trading decisions. Twitter serves as an effective tool to stay connected with market movements and the latest developments in the forex world.


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