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Three Risk Management Approaches in Trading with Money Management

What sets apart trading opportunities for novice traders and professionals? According to Boris Schlossberg, the difference lies in Money Management. Two novice traders with similar trading signals are likely to incur losses, while two professional traders are likely to have opportunities to achieve profits even when taking opposite positions. What makes this difference? Money Management.

Why is Money Management Important?

Money Management is the key to avoiding significant losses in forex trading. Traders need to be able to manage trading risks so that a single trading decision does not wipe out all previously earned profits. Money Management requires a high level of discipline, akin to strict diets or exercise routines. This is because Money Management requires traders to consistently adhere to established rules, such as determining the maximum lot size and how much risk to take in each trading position.

How to Maintain Discipline in Money Management?

  1. Using Stop Loss: The initial step in implementing Money Management is to use the Stop Loss technique. Trader Larry Hite recommends not risking more than 1% of total equity in each trading position. By limiting the risk per position, traders can remain calm even during several consecutive losing trades.
  2. Risk:Reward Ratio: Using risk:reward ratios such as 2R can help reduce the risk per trading position. With this ratio, traders can generate profits even with a win rate below 60%. It's important to ensure that potential profits are always greater than potential losses.
  3. Stop Loss Placement Techniques:
    • Equity Stop: This technique involves placing Stop Loss based on a percentage of the total account equity. Trading risk is typically limited between 1%-3% of total equity.
    • Chart Stop: This technique relies on signals from technical indicators to place Stop Loss. Traders can combine this technique with Equity Stop to improve precision.
    • Margin Stop: This technique is suitable for experienced traders with large capital. Traders divide their capital into small fractions traded with margin stop as the Stop Loss. This technique allows trading without manually setting Stop Loss.

By implementing Money Management consistently and choosing techniques suitable for trading styles and capital, traders can reduce the risk of significant losses and increase the chances of success in forex trading.


List Country Support 100% Rebate XM

Vietnam, Timor-Leste, Thailand, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Singapore, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Nepal, Maldives , Malaysia, Macau, Laos, Indonesia, India, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Brunei, Bhutan, Bangladesh

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